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Sunday AM Adult Class  on Sunday's at 9:15am, Rick Janelle has begun teaching a new class in the Auditorium! The study will be on "The Gospel of John": John, (who started as the youngest), became the oldest of the original disciples who walked and talked with Jesus. Known as "John the Elder", both as a title and a description, John's words deserve our respect and attention. Join us as we examine the final thoughts, words, and feelings of John the Apostle. 

Sunday AM Young Adult/College Class- Daniel Webster is leading this class in the study of Romans. This study meets at 9:15am in the library! So, God justifies me by faith not according to what I've done? Do my actions matter? Let's find out together! 

Wednesday Evening Adult Class -- at 6:30pm in the Auditorium! Rick will be teaching a study on the "Humorous Passages in the Synoptic Gospels." Keeping in mind that jokes are not funny when they need to be explained, we will look at 30 things said that would have been humorous to the Judean people who heard Jesus say them. These joy-filled, (some thought flippant) words contributed to Jesus' legal trials and death. 

Ladies' & Men's Weeknight Studies- on Thursday's from 6:30-7:30pm at the building. *Ladies: you will meet in the Fellowship Hall and study from the book: "Job, A story of Unlikely Joy" by Lisa Harper. *Men: you will meet in the library and study from the book: "The Theft of America's Soul" by Phil Robertson. If you have any questions, please see Marilyn Johnston or Dan Klaus. *Please note: the Ladies Study will conclude on Thursday, April 3rd. It will resume meeting in the fall. Please see Marilyn with any questions. 

New! Children's Bible Hour meets this Sunday, March 30th during Worship Service! 

NEW! Men's Breakfast- Saturday, April 5th from 9:30-11am in the Fellowship Hall. Men and brothers, bring your fathers, your brothers, your sons, and most importantly bring yourselves! Join us for a hearty breakfast and discussion relating to this year's theme ~Changing the Tide 2025~ as we talk about "The Quality of a Man". See Daniel for any questions or how you can help!  

New! Board of Trustee Meeting on Sunday, April 13th following service in the library. If you cannot attend, please contact Ray Kline to let him know. 


Food and Clothing Giveaway/Assistance:

     -- Food & Clothing Pantry -- Tuesdays from 9-11am at our building! No proof of residency is required! 


Welcome to Bellevue Church of Christ, a family of believers committed to helping one another in life and faith and dedicated to serving Jesus.

We are a mixed-race, family-oriented church serving the community with our ministries, and our gatherings feature Christ-centered worship and Bible-centered teaching.

We invite you to become part of our family!
9:15AM Bible Class10:15AM Worship
6:30PM Bible Class

Reaching Upward, Outward, Inward

God’s people are serving people. That’s why our mission at Bellevue is to Reach!
Learn more about how we reach out to our community, one another, and, most importantly, to God through Jesus Christ.

Bellevue Church of Christ

Olde Towne Bellevue, Nebraska

At Bellevue Church of Christ, we simply want to be a church that belongs to Christ, nothing more, nothing less. The Bible teaches us that our greatest duty as Christ’s church is to love God, and to love our neighbor.  That’s why we get together often to worship together, learn together, and to grow in our relationship with God.  We hope our assemblies are uplifting and inviting, but also challenging. You are welcome to join us in our mission to reach out with God’s Good News.

2311 Madison Street
Bellevue, NE, 68005

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